Tuesday May 21, 2024

07. Once You Take Action in Your God Given Calling, You Need to Stay In Motion in Order to Be Successful and 3 Tips to Not Let an Outside Force Stop You

Hey hey friends! 

I'm so excited to talk to you in today's episode about motion. Seems odd to be talking about motion, correct? But, motion is important when it comes to taking action. And taking action is important in living out our Kingdom Calling! 

It's important to understand how motion works- so I talked about Newton's 1st Law of Motion which states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. Basically, when we give God our yes, and decide to take action, we need to remain in motion to continue to move forward in our God given calling! 

I also share scripture truths that talk about idleness- it is important to God that we continue to move forward in our obedience. 

I shared how outside forces will come against you. But it's important to see them for what they are and be prepared for them and continue to push through even though. We aren't meant to get stuck or become paralyzed in our action. We won't see success when we allow outside forces out of our control to derail us. 

And lastly, I give you 3 tips practical tips on how you can continue to push through if you are finding outside forces causing you to get stuck and stop your motion. 

I pray this episode blesses you! 

In Him- 



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